Easy Ways to Get More Privacy at Home

No matter how sociable and friendly you might be, it’s understandable that you don’t want strangers looking into your home and yard. Having complete privacy can be difficult to achieve though, especially if you’ve got buildings overlooking your property, or if planning permission is an issue with the land your home is situated on. 

However, you can still have privacy in your home.  Here are some easy ways to get more privacy, in and around your house.

curtains and plants that are adding privacy

Sheers (Net Curtains)

One of the easiest ways of preventing people from looking into your home is by hanging blinds and curtains. However, blinds can block out natural light from your home, and if you use your curtains purely for decoration, you might be stuck for a solution. Net curtains  (sheers) are a wonderful, cheap and easy way of creating instant privacy in your home. Not only do they allow lots of natural light into your home, but they also hinder potential burglars from seeing your belongings.

Frosted Windows

Some people don’t like blinds or curtains, and that’s completely understandable. If that’s the case for you, frosted windows are a great solution to your privacy problem. While they’re expensive to have installed, you should ensure you choose the best window replacement company for the best results. If that’s not for you, you can buy frosted window film to apply to your windows. It’s cheap to buy, easy to install, and won’t damage your windows should you come to sell your home or move to another rented property. There are a range of styles available, and you won’t have to compromise any natural light in your home. All you have to do is peel back, apply and enjoy your new found privacy!


During the warmer months it’s natural to want to spend as much time in your yard or on your patio or deck as possible. Whether that’s entertaining guests, doing some gardening, or simply soaking up some sun, you might not want to be on display for passers by or neighbors. Fencing is a great way to create privacy in your yard, as it can be as tall or opaque as you like. 

If you’re unable to install fencing around your entire yard, you might consider a company like Austex Fence & Deck, who can even provide fencing just around your deck or pool, to give you privacy. With fencing like this, you can entertain guests without having to worry about who’s watching you

Privacy Screens

Finally, if you’re stuck because you can’t install a fence or hang curtains – for whatever reason – all is not lost. You can buy privacy screens to erect in or around your home and yard to shield you and your family from onlookers. Whether it’s to get changed, entertain guests, or simply watch some television in peace, privacy screens prevent anyone from being able to see what you’re doing. They can be really decorative and pretty too.

Use these tips to get more privacy in your home and yard this year. Have you tried some of these privacy solutions?

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One Comment

  1. These are great ideas! My neighbors always have their eyes on me, and it's very frustrating and difficult to feel like you're trapped in your home because you have no privacy outside and a fence is not an option but last year I bought some trellises that extend from the side of my house, and I planted some vines to climb them, and now I'm working on fixing up the area to turn it into a seating area, but just the flowers filling in the trellises has been a game changer, and I can now walking into my backyard and be at peace, and have even gone out to take some outfit photos, which was one of my goals.


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