Is this heaven?

Have you ever seen the movie, “Field of Dreams?” (If you are a baseball fan, you need to see it!)  There’s a quote from the movie that always makes me smile.  “Is this Heaven?”  “No,  it’s Iowa.”

I kept thinking about that quote earlier today, as I floated in our pool.  (Although, we’re not in Iowa!)

My husband worked so hard on the “work basin,” (his name for the pool), for days, so that my daughter and I could get in and enjoy it.  (Only the girls in our immediate family like to swim!)

He’s been out of town, and he has sent me several “news” stories about how he heard that the pool has caved in, and how squirrels have taken up residence in the pool and are tearing up the liner (rendering it useless), and how a deer has run into the side of the pool, causing a pool cave-in.

Can you tell he doesn’t like the “work basin”?

(I’m not going to go into detail about the pool draining, the pool refilling, the back-breaking work as my husband stood, bent straight over, underneath the low deck as he changed the filter sand in the sweltering heat…)

I’ve always enjoyed floating in a pool!  But it’s so special now, it almost feels surreal.


Well, our recent move, and everything that led up to it, were really hard. I’ve already written about the basics of that nightmare experience  here.  (I’m getting way too old for that kind of  prolonged upheaval!), and we’re still dealing with some of the difficult parts.

The stress and uncertainty, (not that this has been our first experience dealing with prolonged stress!), has taught me a lot.

I now savor each individual moment so much more. Trite, I know,  but I’m just learning how to actually do that.  The peace of floating in my own pool in my own backyard, while focusing only on that.  No thought about the rather serious issues we still have before us, at least in that sweet moment.

My recent cancer taught me about savoring moments too.  That is the cliche attitude everyone expresses after a cancer experience.  But that cliche is absolutely real and valid.  Few things can change a perspective quite the way cancer does.

Our sweet Sunny dog has always known how to savor the moments. (Spending the first four years in a puppy-mill will do that!)

Our Lucy kitty knew how to savor moments too! (I’ve told you before what an amazing cat she was, and how we still miss her.)

The windows were her favorite spots.

So is this heaven?  No. Its our backyard pool. (Oops, I mean “work basin.”)  But today, it feels really, really, close!

I’m posting this as a reminder to myself, in case I ever forget to savor the moments!  Can you relate to my feelings?

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SITS Saturday Sharefest,  Create with Joy

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  1. That's how I feel about our backyard! No pool but all that garden and awesomeness. It's heaven, I think? And I don't spend nearly enough time just enjoying it.

    1. I've just lately gotten to the point of really savoring these things. Not that I didn't appreciate the good parts of my life before! I think I'm just living more in the moment now!

  2. Floating in a pool – or work basin – would be heavenly! So glad you are intentional in finding those sweet moments! BTW – being in a house full of boys to men – I love their humor and so get the work basin antics! Love the colors in your cat photo (and your cat)!

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