Tips for Supporting Your Family Through a Move
Photo by Emma Bauso from Pexels
Moving house can be challenging, and as a parent or guardian, you want to make the process as stress-free as possible. Not only does this include the process of packing and unpacking, dealing with solicitors and legal documents, but also being able to support your family. Whether you have children, grandparents or just your spouse moving with you, it can be a difficult time for everyone. Moving house involves a huge change, and this can often be an emotional time for some people, regardless of their age, as change is something humans naturally resist. For some people, it may also mean getting used to a new environment, a new location, a new community, a new school or office, a new social life, a new commute, and much more. It can take a lot of time, patience and compassion to transition.
If you are feeling overwhelmed, or have family that you need to support, here are some tips to help your family through a house move and make the transition a little easier on everyone.
#1 Open the dialogue
The first and the best thing you can do is open a dialogue about the move and how it makes everyone feel. Take some time to sit down and talk to your family members about the move, what will happen, when it will happen, and help them to understand why. This can often bring out some emotions, such as sadness or anger. Some people may need time to process the decision, which is why opening the conversation is key, so they know they can return when they have had time. Stay patient, listen actively, and reassure them.
#2 Visit the area
It is an excellent idea to visit the new home, and the local area a few times before moving to enable the family to get familiar with their new surroundings. The scariest, and most overwhelming part is often a change that leads a person into the unknown, so this simple act can help eliminate a large portion of anxiety surrounding the move. Get their input and feedback, and try to keep the experience as positive as possible. This can significantly help in easing the transition.
#3 Seek support
You may wish to seek support for yourself and your family. This can come in a range of different forms. For example, if your family is struggling to accept and adapt to the new change, perhaps a counselor may be able to help your family work through the struggles, fear and anxiety they are facing.
You should always seek support from your friends, too. Use them as a listening ear when things with the house move are particularly stressful and overwhelming, and also see if they can support you and your family on the day. If you can invest in house movers, such as SMARTBOX Solutions, Inc., then you can leave the heavy lifting and the hard work to them, and you and your friends can focus on supporting your family through the day of moving.
Moving house is stressful, but with the right strategies, you can take some of that stress off your shoulders.