Ways to Be More Creative

If there is one way you can blow off a little steam at the end of each day (or during it!) it’s to get creative. Learning ways to be more creative is important and not always easy.

We’re often stuck in a world where people are glued to going to work, watching TV, or scrolling the same three apps on social media repeatedly. It helps, though, to get out of your head and enjoy something new that brings a little joy and sunshine into your life. 

lightbulb on chalkboard

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For example, when was the last time you did a cross-stitch? When was the last time you immersed yourself in creating something new? 

Children learn through play. Then we hit adulthood, and we’re less about play and more about responsibility and bills, but it doesn’t have to be that way. You can start to indulge a little in that creative spark that once gave you so much joy.

Part of getting creative comes from learning how to discover a little more of you. You need to deep dive into those things that make you feel passionate about life. For example, if you love photography, a fun way to be creative with your photography is to learn how to use Amazon Photos, and start showcasing these online. 

 Below are some more ways that you can start to be a little more creative.

  • Grab your paper and some colorful pens and paints, and get doodling. As a child, when boredom struck, you might have gone to the nearest window and tried to paint the skyline. You’d use PVA glue to make papier mache and build the solar system. There is something to be said about discovering how much of an imagination you really have. Doodle and color, paint and mold, it’s all about reinviting this creative play into your life.
  • Get moving. One of the nicest and most fulfilling ways to be creative is to get up and move! You can force yourself into a creative mindset when you crank up your favorite music and have a 30 second dance party in the house. Aerobic workouts can help you to think up new ideas, and some of your best thoughts can come to life when you dance. Who cares if you’re alone? Go ahead and dance, and see how fast the creativity flows through your body.
  • Allow yourself to be bored. Switch off your devices, and shut yourself off from the world. No more news on the TV – no more anything on the TV. Unplug, reset, rewind. Social media and all that comes with the internet really can cloud the mind. Get rid of it for a time. It doesn’t have to be a permanent break from devices, but you need to learn to be creative away from your phone. A detox digitally is going to give you a little more perspective.
  • Listen to someone inspirational. It doesn’t matter where you are in your life, there will always be people that are peer role models that you look up to. You can really get motivated with your creativity when you listen to a podcast by someone you admire. You can also feel those imaginative, creative juices flowing when you are learning from someone else. It’s an exciting way to soak up some knowledge.
  • Start making some lists. Whether they’re goals you have in your life, or you have a list of things you want to do before you die, you need to make a list. Seeing a physical list of things that you can do might inspire you. If you want to climb a mountain just to take a photo on top of it, go and do it. You can try so many things, and a list will keep those ideas all in one place. 

This post was contributed, and it was made possible by the support of our readers. 

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